I Am A Work In Progress

I Am A Work In Progress In the past, I have written about JOGGING opening me up so I am sustaining JOY and HAPPINESS. I’ve mentioned that I’m laughing more and creating strong friendships. I’ve spoken of toxic relationships and how my life has improved by ending or limiting those relationships. I have mentioned feeling GRATITUDE, witnessing many BLESSINGS, feeling LOVE, as well as stress, anxiety, and money problems. And I always speak of the physical exertion of JOGGING consistently making me feel better no matter what has happened before.

Those statements are all true. I am happier than ever before, laughing more and surrounding myself with positive, supportive people. JOGGING has been a integral part of that….but I’m a work in progress.

I make decisions that sometimes are reminders of what doesn’t work for me or I get challenges from new people that help me exercise my instinct. I don’t always rise to the occasion with grace and wisdom. No, I trip, I falter, I hesitate, I question, I doubt and I worry.

Sometimes I lose sight of what’s important and what are the priorities. Sometimes I get complacent, lazy and procrastinate. And sometimes, if it’s a particularly bad day, I will sit in front of the TV, watch movies, eat junk food, drink a glass of wine and accept that it’s a wasted day.

But is it?

If I have a series of days like that, then yes, it’s a questionable period of time that I need to pay attention to… but one or two days is a gentle reminder of what doesn’t work for me. I don’t feel better when I spend days like that. I feel low in energy, and tired but more importantly I don’t feel good about myself because I haven’t accomplished anything.

JOGGING helps me identify why I make the choices I do, some good, some not so good. I pay attention to my patterns or old coping mechanisms. You can’t fix something if you don’t identify it. And for some things, I have to continually identify it, expose it and then make a different choice. Not always easy, but as I’ve said, I’m a work in progress….

So keeping that in mind, I have not made any New Year’s Resolutions; instead I am recommitting to myself and the life I want to live. I believe I am setting myself up for SUCCESS not failure by doing this. New Year’s Resolutions have never worked for me; therefore, by revisiting my goals and recommitting to myself I am entering the New Year on a positive and hopeful note. Isn’t that what it’s suppose to be about?

If you make a New Year’s resolution, remember: be gentle with yourself and others. You are a work in progress…it’s a life journey we all take…and by embracing ourselves, and each other, we can make that journey a little less isolating and a little more gratifying.

I am with you, one step at a time…and you are with me…one step at a time. Together, we’ll move forward, both, a work in progress.

Wishing you strength when you feel weak, love when you feel alone and faith when you feel lost, in 2011…

With a smile


PS. Don’t forget to sign up so you get the blogs sent to you directly. THE Jog Blog will return next week, however, rest assured I have kept up my training for the marathon in 2011!

PPS. Don’t forget that you can also find me on Twitter and Facebook or you can HIRE ME to inspire you in person!


  1. [...] you are now and what you’d like to change. Remember from last week’s blog, we are a work in progress. It’s ok to recognize and accept those things in your life you’d like to change, but don’t [...]

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