Immediately after Jody and I crossed the finish line!
Last week I shared my journal entries and photos of my very FIRST MARATHON: 42K on my 42nd birthday.
The day itself was amazing but the weekend began with a FUN ride to Victoria with Jody. Our laughter and conversations started there and carried on throughout the weekend.

I LOVE GoodLife Fitness Shirts!
On Saturday we met at the “Race Expo” which is such a thrill for me. When I arrive, I can’t contain the energy and excitement I feel for the actual race day.
You find your bib number then pick up your race package which includes the bib, timing chip, safety pins, and other information. You can check out the vendors who have everything from sport drinks, clothing, and jewellery to magazines, books and massage services.
I LOVED the shirts you get with GoodLife Fitness Marathon and Half Marathon. They’re exceptional! Good quality, nice colors and excellent fit.

Looking back on race day, I have no regrets starting at the earlier time because we were a smaller group who owned the city streets that morning. We didn’t have to wait for a large mass of people to cross the start line before we could cross; we all just crossed over together. I felt connected to my little group of early morning risers!

It does look funny!
During my long training runs I had strange cravings for bread so I decided to pack some with me. I can’t tell you how many comments I had regarding my ‘buns’.
“Does that hurt?” (As my buns banged against my butt for 20K…and the answer was no, it was almost like a massage!)
“Hey, there goes BUNS ON THE RUN”
“You’d better watch out for the birds! They’re following you!”
Despite my funny buns, I was extremely grateful at around 28K as I inhaled the first of the buns. At 32K I inhaled some more and then the buns fell out of my little bag, so the birds did indeed get my buns.
At one point in the run a young teenage volunteer steered us in the wrong direction, so Jody and I ran a little further than necessary. Luckily the road swung around and we ended up back on track but that was a slight moment of “Oh-oh!”

He said he was from a drinking group with a running problem!
Another section of the road there was a fellow handing out small shots of beer. Did we stop? OF COURSE WE STOPPED! We had a quick little cheers and went on our way.
At 32K I was really happy; it was only 10K to go. At 37K my legs decided they were getting tired and I sensed negative thoughts trying to creep in but I repeated my motto:
I also insisted on jogging with a SMILE so I pushed through. At that moment, you have a CHOICE and I chose to NOT INVEST IN NEGATIVE THOUGHTS.
At 40K I started to get emotional and at 41K I saw my sister and my Mom at the side of the road cheering us on. It cracked me up because I could hear my sister in her high heels trying to catch up…clickclickclickclick…along the side walk…
Jody and I could see the finish line, we weren’t stopping for anything!
Because our time was much better than expected, I don’t think anyone actually saw us cross the finish line but we finished strong, happy and victorious and were greeted by huge hugs and tears from friends and family a few minutes later.
It will be a day I never forget.
It’s been over a year of hard work, PASSION and dedication towards something I strongly believe in and I can’t wait to share the entire book with you.
Make this weekend a memorable one. Do something a little out of your comfort zone, create a random act of kindness or carve out some ‘me’ time.
See you on Tuesday!
With a smile,
I was just informed by my dear “sole sister” Christine that they did indeed see us cross the finish, however, they didn’t have time to get out their cameras! Thanks for letting me know Christine!! xo