THE Jog Blog – Post Halloween

Rockets (Also called Smarties in the USA)

I rarely eat candy and never have it in my house; however, I ate a handful at work and my body let me know! My body is extremely sensitive to caffeine, alcohol, fast foods and medication. This experience inspired this blog on tips for good health over the next couple of months.

Halloween is now over and we are haunted by the left over candy, chocolate bars and chips that sit in the dark shadows of our cupboards.

It seems Halloween is the door that opens to darker days, longer nights, poorer food choices and less exercise. It’s hard to get up in the cold, dark morning to go work out! The body wants to roll over, hide under the covers and cocoon!

Lovely fruits and vegetables freshly picked from your own garden or carefully chosen at the Farmer’s Market is a thing of the past. We rely more on canned goods, processed or frozen food. Some are a good source of nutrition but some are not.

After November comes December where we have fun celebrating the holidays but tend to eat more rich, sweet food, drink more alcohol, sleep less and have more stress usually due to busy schedules and money.

So, how can YOU prepare for the next couple of months?


Here are some HEALTHY eating and exercise tips:

  1. Carefully schedule your time to include exercise AND rest.
  2. Read labels and choose food that has high nutritional value.
  3. Avoid processed, fast food that may fill you up in the moment but actually drains you of energy.
  4. Don’t purchase the chips or sweets while you are grocery shopping. Instant gratification is not always a good choice. If you decide you want it later that night, walk to the store to get it. That gives you time to think about your choice.
  5. Be mindful of whether you are reaching for the sweets because you are hungry or because you are stressed, lonely, sad or bored.
  6. Surround yourself with POSITIVE people who will SUPPORT you living a healthy lifestyle.
  7. Have a workout buddy. If you are accountable to someone else in the early morning, you are more apt to get up and OUT THE DOOR!


It may not be the easiest choice in the moment, but it will be the right choice because you are making yourSELF the priority and loving your body by taking CARE of it! This is the gift you give yourSELF.





I wish you a LOVE-ly weekend full of fresh air, laughter, warm hugs and quiet reflective moments by a bright window. See you on Tuesday my friends!

With a smile,


PS. If you want all my tips in one neat little package plus some inspiration and insight, check out my book “The Decision”. It will give you all the tools and steps you need to create positive changes in your life and keep you on track during the dark, cold months ahead!