The Gift of Friendship

Friendships are sometimes the difference between living your life, and LOVING your life.

I have been blessed with some lasting, loving and supportive friendships. The kind where I don’t see them every day but there is an unspoken understanding that if either of us needed something, we can call. We get into adventures, make our own fun and laugh until our stomachs hurt. We don’t allow the other person to stay down too long, we fight for each other when we can’t fight for ourselves and listen when we need to be heard.

“Your friend is your needs answered.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

Two weeks ago I was having a rough couple of days. My friends told me what I needed to hear:

Tina, you are too proud.

Tina, you are a trail blazer, taking adversity and creating opportunity.

Tina, you are a shining star; no one can put that out.

Tina, you are an editor, writer, singer, teacher, athlete, motivator, visionary, nurturer, amazing friend-sister-daughter-aunt and you have an emotional IQ that is off the charts. You are beautiful, funny, playful, energetic and talented.

WOW. Friends step in and tell you what you need to hear when you can’t find the words (or energy) to say it to yourSELF.

Sometimes, they point out things you don’t recognize. I am too proud to ask for help because I want to make it on my own and prove I can do it but often times we need to EMBRACE each other to fulfill our bigger goals.

We have to allow others to GIVE and we have to RECEIVE with GRACE and GRATITUDE.

My former teacher, mentor and dear friend reminded me I can ask for help and it’s ok. I won’t be judged or criticized but rather supported and validated.

Asking for help is a positive exchange of energy. It’s only our negative attachment to the act of asking that can taint the request.

She also showed me that I have taken adversity and changed it into OPPORTUNITY and I shall do so, again.

The other quotes are from this dear friend. She is one of those people who would open her home, give me the shirt off her back and share all her knowledge and resources to help me out. Last week she ran with me and allowed me to cry, vent and process what was bothering me. Once I emptied my tank of the negative, she filled me up with positive messages, and helped me see another side to things. She pointed out my strengths and pushed me to keep going towards what I believe in. She defines “The Gift Of Friendship”.

Friends ask how you are doing, then LISTEN for the answer.

Friends tell you when you have toilet paper stuck to your shoe or you’re in a relationship that stinks.

Supportive friendships aren’t based on convenience. The best of friends show up when it’s inconvenient.

Friends are LOVE in ACTION.


Such sweet blessings…

With a smile,



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