Count Your Blessings…

“When I’m worried and I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep and I fall asleep, counting my blessings!”

I recently heard that song and it made me pause and think. This past week due to being very ill with an unrelenting migraine and nasty bug, I was reminded of how many blessings I have in my life: the daily luxuries that other people in other countries only dream about.

  • Showering every day with clean, hot water.
  • Heating my apartment with the turn of a dial.
  • Crawling into a comfortable bed with clean sheets and a warm, cozy duvet.
  • Looking above me and seeing a roof over my head.

The list is really quite endless. There are so many blessings to appreciate every moment in life if you take a second to realize the value of that blessing.

“When my bankroll is getting small, I think of when I had none at all and I fall asleep, counting my blessings!”

I have one big stress in my life: Money. Correction, NOT ENOUGH MONEY! I am no different from anyone else; however, this past week I realized something very important:

If I have HEALTH, I have WEALTH.

When I get stressed, I have to remember all the things I do have! I can jog, dance, hug, laugh, sing, walk my dog, go to the library and read a book, visit with a friend, or write in my journal.

Those things are what make my life very sweet. Although money would relieve stress, it doesn’t define my life; it enhances it.


Those are the things that make me a very rich woman.

”I think about a nursery and picture curly heads, and one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds.”

Remember the people who love you. Expressing gratitude for their presence in your life is a beautiful gift, not only to them but to yourSELF.

Life is busy: schedules, to do lists, staff parties, shopping, wrapping, baking, not to mention the regular chores of laundry, dishes and making meals can lead to STRESS which leads to NEGATIVITY. All the details can drive you mad.

Don’t forget what’s really important in life: PEOPLE!

Stop and take a minute to let someone know that they matter. Have a cup of tea, listen to their story and give them a hug. I currently know many people who have recently lost loved ones and this Christmas they wish they could have one more hug, or one more conversation.





Be in the moment and enJOY.

“If you’re worried and you can’t sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep, and you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings!”

Even in the wake of the difficulties, challenges and sometimes devastating events, life still provides blessings.

Open your eyes, open your heart and you will see them everywhere!

This week: Spread LOVE not stress. Count BLESSINGS not receipts. Spend TIME not money.

With a smile and much gratitude,




  1. [...] the spirit of the holidays and keeping with Tuesday’s blog, “Count Your Blessings”, I have adapted the traditional Christmas carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas” to “The [...]

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