Vancouver Scotiabank Half Marathon 2012


When you train and work hard towards a goal, your brain, heart and soul really wants to complete that goal. Your body, however, sometimes says:

“Nope, not this time. Not this run.”

I was sad I had to make the decision to NOT run the Scotiabank Half Marthon this past Sunday. One of my lessons during my 40by40 training was when I have these symptoms, if I run a long distance; I will suffer greatly for weeks afterwards.

What’s the use of a LESSON if you don’t LEARN from it?

I knew what I had to do (or not do) but I wasn’t happy about it. So, Saturday after dinner with my friends, I went home and cried. I was disappointed; I wanted to run; I was having a little private pity party. I honoured my disappointment and physical pain and let the tears flow…I had a good night’s sleep and then adjusted my attitude.

Here’s what I learned from this experience.

If you are feeling sorry for yourself (and it’s okay if you are as long as you don’t stay stuck for too long) the BEST thing to do is show KINDNESS and SUPPORT towards others.

The day of the event, I had an AMAZING morning. My sorry, sad self turned into a rocking cheerleader, supporting and loving all these total strangers and giving them positive energy as they passed by.

I know how difficult the training can be, how many obstacles and sacrifices you have to make. I know the emotional struggle and the physical fatigue.

I cheered on every person (friends and strangers) who passed by me. At the water stops they rehydrate, but at the corner I was at, (right before the 15K mark) I filled their tank with POSITIVE ENERGY, KINDNESS, SUPPORT, WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT and let them know THEY WEREN’T ALONE even if they were running solo.

I acknowledged each step they took with the deepest RESPECT because you have no idea what journey they endured to get there.

I wanted them to continue on the run with a smile on their face and a voice they could hear that believed in them if the one inside their heads was trying to sabotage their hard work.

I discovered my HEART is bigger, louder and stronger than any bruised ego or pity party.


If you are injured and can’t take part in an event, go to the race anyway and cheer loudly for others. Embrace the energy and support your fellow runners with kind loving words and help them achieve their goal. It fills you up when you fill others up…at least that’s my experience.

I caught up with some people I had cheered for at the 15K mark…I didn’t know them but I was so HAPPY to see the medals around their necks and the smile on their face.

I was so proud of my friends who completed the run. Some ran solo, others ran in pairs…they ALL crossed the finish line with the other friends who couldn’t run, cheering them on…it’s a beautiful exchange.

I was able to catch some awesome photos and truly enjoyed the energy, excitement and FUN of the event even though I didn’t participate as a runner this year.

Attitude is everything…even if you are a spectator.

With a smile,



The Upside of Anger

ANGER is an interesting emotion. It tells us when we feel hurt, disappointed, frustrated, disrespected or not validated.

It has enormous POWER. The question is what do you do with that POWER?

I believe YOUR anger must be validated, honoured and respected by YOU. I also believe it MUST have an outlet. It is by CHOICE whether we decide that outlet is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE.


  • VERBAL – Yelling, insulting, shaming, or ranting at a person or animal. (This includes children, spouses, and strangers)
  • PHYSICAL – Violence towards yourself, another person or animal. (This includes pushing, throwing things, grabbing someone’s arm and yanking them etc.)
  • DRIVING – Weaving in and out of traffic, speed, tailgating etc. Erratic driving is dangerous to all involved.
  • ADDICTIONS – Eating/binging, gambling, sex, pornography, drinking, drugs etc.


  • EXERCISE – Run, cycle or hike up a difficult hill!
  • BREATHE – It’s simple, but effective.
  • TIME OUT – We ask kids to do this all the time and it’s useful advice for adults as well. In the heat of the moment, step away and take time to collect your thoughts before speaking or acting out of anger.
  • JOURNAL – Seeing your thoughts outside of your head is very useful. By writing down your thoughts and emotions, you can see them from another perspective.
  • CRY – Let it out. Expressing anger through tears is not a sign of weakness…it’s simply a release.
  • VOCALIZE – Some people find singing helps; others will release anger by simply yelling, “Ahhhh!”
  • TALK – Find a trusted counsellor, life coach or another source you can vent your frustrations to without it complicating the situation even more. (For example, sometimes talking to a family member about a family member can create more chaos.)
  • CLEAN HOUSE – Sometimes when you are angry, tearing apart your closet and reorganizing or going outside and pulling weeds can be a useful way to expel that energy.


If left ignored, my belief is anger will expose itself through illness (depression and anxiety are included among other diseases or ailments), relationships or it will explode in chaotic, life altering ways.

I have seen anger do incredible damage to individuals and families. Underneath the anger is always PAIN.

So, if you are feeling angry, how are you dealing with it? Are you ignoring your emotion? Are you giving it a healthy outlet? What CHOICE are you going to make to channel your anger in a POSITIVE way?

  • Honour the emotion.
  • Respect the reasons why.
  • Release the negative energy through a healthy outlet.
  • Understand the core reasons why you were angry.
  • Let go of the pain behind the anger.

Don’t stuff your anger/ pain or express it negatively; honour it by releasing it through a healthy outlet.

Remember: Don’t do something permanently damaging just because you are temporary upset.

With a smile,



THE Jog Blog – 70

Summer has finally arrived, at least according to the calendar. If you are not getting the lovely sunshine right now, don’t worry it is coming and I want you to be prepared for the hot summer days when you exercise.


Don’t forget to hydrate, hydrate and hydrate! Water before, during and after your runs are really important so make sure you pack water and / or run where there are water fountains on your route. Depending on how far you run, you may also need Coconut water, Gatorade or another electrolyte drink. (There are also all natural Vegan Electrolyte Hydrators you can buy in powder form to add to your water: Cute little packets that easily fit into your pocket or running belt.)


There is debate about sunscreen but I wear sunscreen on my face 365 days of the year and I also wear a hat whenever I exercise. I generally run earlier in the mornings so the sun isn’t too intense and I choose routes with some shade (as seen above).

I have to say, my body rejoices when I fuel it with healthy, organic, raw food. I am not on a raw diet; however, I definitely notice my energy level and just generally how good I feel when I eat that way. After your workout, it’s important to refuel so here are some juicy melons that I love after a summertime jog.


Very high in Vitamin C (great for tissue repair), honeydew is an excellent choice after any workout. It’s a good source of potassium which is helpful in avoiding muscle cramps and because it holds lots of water, it also helps hydrate. In the summer months especially, this is crucial. I like to pair this with raw almonds or cottage cheese so I get some protein as well.


High in Vitamin C, Vitamin A and potassium, cantaloupe is another excellent source after exercise and it is great for your skin, eyes and immune system. Cantaloupe is filled with lots of good stuff such as carotenoids, Vitamin B6, fibre, folate and B3 to name a few. Simply put, it helps support energy production and stabilizes blood sugar. I pair fresh, juicy slices of cantaloupe with yogurt, raw nuts and sometimes I’ll add a bit of healthy granola.


Yummm…just the thought of watermelon makes my mouth water! After a good workout, a couple pieces of watermelon will hydrate you because it’s 92% water and rich in electrolytes sodium and potassium which we lose through sweating. It’s packed with antioxidants and is another great source of Vitamin C and A. I like to pair watermelon with cottage cheese or a few slices of hard cheese and some whole grain crackers.

Eating healthy, staying hydrated and protecting yourself from the sun are important things to remember as we enter the summer months. Getting outside and being active are a part of a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE so have FUN, eat well and enJOY!

With a smile,


PS. See you on Tuesday!


How To Let Go Of Pain

“If you want to end your suffering, enter your pain.” ~ Robert Augustus Masters

It’s a scary thought, isn’t it? I completely understand but I also know past pain patiently waits for you and can show up as DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, FEAR-BASED LIVING, TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS, WEIGHT ISSUES, ADDICTIONS, OVER-SPENDING, GAMBLING, ANGER, LOW SELF-ESTEEM and HEALTH ISSUES.

If something is not working in your life, the first step is to have a deep desire to understand your behaviours and patterns. You must have a strong inner commitment to seek to understand yourSELF.

Find yourSELF and you will find your JOY. This is how to let go of pain.

So what do I mean by that?

If you had some childhood trauma, you dealt with it in the best way possible with the child skills and understanding you had at that time.

You were young. Counselling is incredibly beneficial and necessary; however, because you were a CHILD, you may need to revisit this wound when you are older. As an adult you will understand a different level of the emotions and situation, with more life experience, perspective and maturity.

It doesn’t mean you have to sit and stay in your pain, but it does mean you have to ACKNOWLEDGE, VALIDATE, PROCESS and then slowly HEAL that wound. This takes time and compassion and is how to let go of pain.

I don’t want you to live in the past; I want you to learn from the past. There is a big difference.

Living in the past means you are stuck there, keeping the pain and chaos alive. It doesn’t serve anyone in a positive way and becomes a method to create more painful events. This is very dangerous to all involved and simply repeats the cycle.

When you learn from the past, you seek to understand yourSELF and ultimately change your behaviours.

You HONOUR the emotions and feelings you felt at that time understanding why you were angry, scared or sad. I believe in forgiveness but it’s at the end of the process and I believe you need to forgive yourSELF first. Often times it wasn’t your fault, yet the tendency as children is to view it as your responsibility. “I should have known better” is a common misconception we tell ourselves.

With time, love and nurturing SELF, forgiveness of others may come.

“If you want to end your suffering, enter your pain.”~ Robert Augustus Masters

  • Find a nurturing, loving and safe support network, whether it’s trusted friends, family and a counsellor, life coach or psychiatrist.
  • Be surrounded by POSITIVE people who will help you rebuild yourSELF.
  • Feed your mind with messages of LOVE, HOPE, STRENGTH, COURAGE and KINDNESS.
  • Take care of your body by some form of EXERCISE and eating HEALTHY, nutritious food!

Make a deep, inner commitment that you will seek to understand yourSELF, and then you will find your JOY.

I realize it doesn’t feel like it, because pain is so painFULL (overwhelming, all consuming) but walking through your pain can be a way to gain greater understanding and depth of love, compassion, kindness and forgiveness, both for yourSELF and for others. It’s a journey we all experience and it is a way to let go of pain.

Remember YOU are very COURAGEOUS and the journey through your pain is a way to let go of pain lifting you to greater heights than you ever imagined.

With love and compassion,


PS. Here is another powerful article on this topic called “The Prophecy of Pain”.




Crazy Legs

Have you ever heard of “Restless Leg Syndrome” or “RLS”?

I have this condition as do many members of my family. My Mom and Aunts refer to it as “Crazy Legs”. I remember having it as a kid but because it is a difficult condition to diagnose, it was referred to as “growing pains”. My parents would rub my legs and I’d cry because it hurt so much. As I got older the symptoms would come and go but they got worse after a car accident in my early 30’s.

What is RLS?

Here is a description according to the Mayo Clinic:

“Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a condition in which your legs feel extremely uncomfortable, typically in the evenings while you’re sitting or lying down. It makes you feel like getting up and moving around. When you do so, the unpleasant feeling of restless legs syndrome temporarily goes away.

Restless legs syndrome can begin at any age and generally worsens as you age. Restless legs syndrome can disrupt sleep — leading to daytime drowsiness.”

It is considered a neurological disorder but some believe it does not exist.

I can tell you from experience, it most certainly does exist!

I find it gets worse with STRESS, LACK OF SLEEP, and too much SUGAR, CAFFEINE or ALCOHOL. I limit these things in my life and manage my stress through exercise (jogging), meditation and being mindful of my schedule. Unfortunately the lack of sleep is a vicious cycle because if you have sleepless nights then the condition increases which in turn makes it hard to get to sleep.

Just as you start to relax, your legs start to feel strange, uncomfortable and ache. For me, there is also a creepy feeling underneath my knee cap and then if it persists, my legs will ‘jump’ without any control, kind of like the doctor checking your reflexes.

I put a heat-pad on my legs and focus on my BREATHING and that usually allows me to eventually fall asleep. I have used medication in the past to aid in sleep but my body is sensitive to drugs, alcohol and caffeine so I limit my intake and focus on other methods to decrease symptoms. Sometimes I’ll also have a hot shower or bath.

After doing more research I’ve discovered that a thyroid condition (something else that runs in my family) and low iron and folate acid can also increase your symptoms. I have since increased my iron to see if that will help and all blood work from the doctor came back fine regarding my thyroid.

If you suffer from RLS, you are not alone. Be aware of what triggers your symptoms as this is important and useful information when you talk to your doctor.

Happy Father’s Day to all those wonderful, hard working, supportive, loving fathers out there. I hope you feel appreciated and adored. Have a fantastic day!

See you Tuesday!

With a smile,
