THE Jog Blog – 56

It’s the beginning of February and some of us are struggling to find the motivation to exercise.


What do I mean by that?


We know exercise will make us feel better. We know it’s important to our health both physically and mentally. We know the endorphins will kick in and we’ll start to feel happy. We know it can be a great meditation and stress release. We also know that it’s a time we can be quiet or a time when we can socialize.

So why is it still so damn hard to get out there?!

“Your body hears everything your mind says.” – Naomi Judd

If you are thinking like a victim and your thoughts are negative, self sabotaging or defeating, your body hears those thoughts and responds accordingly. It will be sluggish, feel heavier and move slower. Aches and pains will arise and illness may find its way into your body.

Our thoughts have power. We need to be conscious of them and use them wisely.

“There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don’t allow yourself to become one of them.” – Ralph Marston, Author and Publisher of The Daily Motivator

This is such a great quote because it is absolutely true. We all have challenges. Life can be really difficult but EXERCISE gives us the strength of body and mind to deal with those challenges. It may not make them go away, but it gives us a healthy outlet for STRESS, ANXIETY, GRIEF, SADNESS or ANGER. I know from personal experience that it works and the ENDORPHINS replace those negative feelings with HOPE, JOY and CLARITY. This is the GIFT you give yourself and others when you exercise.

“No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change.” – Bill Phillips

Your decision yesterday to skip the gym, avoid the track or not meet your walking group has absolutely no bearing on your choices today!


Not everyone gets a second chance so please use this gift to empower yourSELF. Use this opportunity to create a stronger body, healthier mind and allow your beautiful spirit to shine uninhibited by stress, anxiety or negativity.

LOOK WITHIN to find that person who wants to be heard, validated, honoured and appreciated. I didn’t take care of my inner spirit until I started to jog. The physical exertion gave me the emotional strength to honour my instinct. It is a POWERFUL, LIFE CHANGING experience.

Take care of yourSELF. Start today. Start NOW.

I believe YOU are worth every step around that track, every lap in that pool and every turn on that bike.

Wishing you a weekend full of fresh air, great conversations, lots of love and genuine laughter.

With a smile,


PS. I love my dog’s JogBlog, check it out HERE.

PPS. I wrote a book. It’s $9.95. Click HERE for more information.

THE Jog Blog – 55

If you have changing seasons, you may be experiencing dark, long, often dreary days. After a few months it can play a role in your overall mood and energy levels.

Seasonal Affective Disorder , otherwise known as SAD, is a mood disorder triggered by the changing seasons. Often it is brought on by fall and winter seasons but people can also suffer in spring and summer. I am not a doctor; however, I did some research to give you information on this form of depression.

According to the Mayo Clinic, here are some symptoms for the winter disorder:

  • Depression
  • Hopelessness
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of energy
  • Heavy, “leaden” feeling in the arms or legs
  • Social withdrawal
  • Oversleeping
  • Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed
  • Appetite changes, especially a craving for foods high in carbohydrates
  • Weight gain
  • Difficulty concentrating

Women are more likely to suffer although when men are diagnosed often their symptoms are more severe. Genetics, family history, age and your body chemistry all play a role. If you already have depression, you may find that your symptoms increase during specific months.

How do you know you have SAD?

If you generally feel good and only notice that you suffer with the symptoms during certain months, you may have SAD. There are many factors to consider so write down your symptoms in detail preferably going back over a two year period and go to your doctor.


Once you’ve gone to your doctor and you are properly diagnosed, is there anything else you can do?

Your doctor may prescribe medication and / or psychotherapy. Light therapy is also a very common treatment. Is there anything else you can do to be proactive with your mental health? YES.

I love where I live; however, the heavy rain and dark, low cloud ceiling in Vancouver can get extremely depressing during this time. Because I’ve suffered with clinical depression and anxiety in the past, I am more susceptible to SAD.


There seems to be mixed reviews on the supplements (I notice a difference when I take them, among others) but the EXERCISE and MEDITATION (Yoga and martial arts included) seem to have consistent positive reviews.

Just twenty minutes of cardio can give you the happy ENDORPHINS. These make you feel joyful, light and energetic. Having FITNESS GOALS (Walking, running or cycling in an organized event) also boosts your confidence, gives you a social outlet and you get to celebrate when you cross that finish line! It’s the best feeling!

Exercising in the morning is also an important factor. Although it may not be sunshine, any morning light you can get is helpful because your melatonin and serotonin levels get out of balance with SAD.

Bottom line: If you are unsure if you are depressed or have SAD, go to your doctor and get properly diagnosed.


I want you to feel that too.

I know how painful it is. Please don’t suffer; get some help.

Big hugs, much love and support to you.

With a smile,


PS. If you would like to read more on how I changed my life from depression and anxiety to JOY and LAUGHTER, click HERE or go to the side bar to get the first chapter of my book for FREE!

THE Jog Blog – 54



When you are sick, it’s important to know which one of those two choices you should be doing.

For me, it started the second week of December. I was feeling a little tired so I went to bed early.

That tiredness was the only warning I had to the sore throat and incredible headache that followed. Since then, I’ve been battling a very persistent cold. It left my throat and crawled into my chest where it’s been hiding out ever since.



So, how has this affected my jogging? Well, I’ve been frustrated, that’s for sure. Normally I jog 3 – 4 times a week. Since this cold, my jogging has been sporadic depending on how I’m feeling.

I’m frustrated that I’m not yet healthy. I’m a jogger! I ran a marathon in October! I should be bouncing back with energy and recovering much faster than this! What’s going on?



Should I run with a cold? I’ll answer that in a minute.

First, I did some research to get some advice on running with a cold. This is what I learned:

  • As a general rule, doctors, trainers and researchers suggest exercise is fine if your symptoms are above the neck: stuffy or runny nose, sore throat or sneezing. They suggest you don’t overdo it, being mindful of what your body is telling you. ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.
  • If your symptoms are below the neck such as deep coughs, congested chest, wheezing, aching muscles, fatigue or upset stomach they strongly urge you NOT to exercise. If you exercise with these symptoms they say you risk compromising your immune system. It’s trying to bring you back to health and you are stressing it out by pushing your body when it is fighting off a bug. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. GIVE IT PLENTY OF REST, PROPER NUTRITION AND LOTS OF FLUIDS.

So where did I go wrong? I over did it. I pushed myself and jogged when I should have been resting. I took an entire week off and thought that was enough. Honestly, I was scared that if I left it longer, I’d lose my level of fitness. I also missed my endorphins! Because my performance was well below normal I pushed myself to try harder. My body was begging me to rest but my ego was so scared that I didn’t LISTEN.



This is now going on four weeks. I’m not getting my regular dose of endorphins, my energy is really low and I’m feeling less than productive. That’s fertile ground for negativity to plant mean and fearful thoughts in my brain. I need to do the following:

HONOUR my body by LISTENING to my body.

RESPECT my body by allowing it time to HEAL.

NOURISH my body with plenty of fruits and vegetables and lots of SLEEP.

Be KIND and GENTLE with mySELF.

If you are sick, please pay careful attention to your body. Every body is different so just be mindful that you don’t push your way through exercise if your body is asking for a chance to heal. Learn from my mistake and make sure you LISTEN TO YOUR BODY and not ego or fear.



Wishing you a lovely, healthy and restful weekend.

With a smile,




THE Jog Blog – 53

I have to thank you, thank you, and thank you again Tina… from the bottom of my heart… for writing such an inspiring book, and allowing me to explore the tools to help me through this HUGE change this year! Cheers! Terri K

I received that message a couple days ago from someone I’ve never met in person but whom I’ve been in touch with through Facebook. (I love Facebook!)

Terri Kemp from TailorMade Music is a voice teacher in Kamloops, BC. She is also a runner training for her first marathon in October. She had been thinking about running a marathon for a few years and then she won flight, hotel and race fees to run in the Niagra International Marathon in October.

I am very passionate about my book, “The Decision” but that’s because I wrote the book. I lived the book. I know it works but I also know I’m emotionally attached to the book. I decided to ask Terri some questions that might help you decide if this book is right for you.

I asked Terri to be completely HONEST, even if she felt I wouldn’t like her answer. (Thank you Terri for your truthful answers!)

1. What made you decide to purchase “The Decision”?

I was in search of a motivational read to keep me in check with some goals I set out for myself this year.

2. Do you think it was priced fairly at $9.95?

The price was exceptionally reasonable. I did not have to get into my car and go out and source the book. A single CLICK and you download the e-book to your computer, or you have the option for an audio book which I think is fabulous as I may need the inspirational words being whispered in my ear during my first Marathon!

3. Do you think someone who isn’t interested in jogging would be interested in the book…why or why not?

This book is NOT just for joggers. There were many messages that I received through this book that I have been applying to everyday life both at work and at home.

4. Someone recently said they liked that I also included the mental or emotional journey and not just the physical…could you relate to that as well?

I love that you included your mental and emotional journey, as it simply makes you REAL and I certainly was able to relate to a lot of it. Vulnerability simply shows who we really are as people.

5. Why is that important?

ACHIEVING GOALS is not just a physical act. I personally think it is more mental and emotional. “The Decision” taught me that our minds are our own powerful weapon, and unless we take ownership and control, our goals can take much longer to achieve.“The Decision” taught me how to win the battle of the mind.

6. You are running a marathon in October, how will this book help you with your goal?

This book has given me some valuable tools to start applying to my training regime. Each day I look forward to logging my progress, and knowing that I have “The Decision” to read when I need that constant reminder.

7. Do you think “The Decision” will help you in life even if you don’t have a running goal? Why?

I have a strong connection to this book as a guide to my marathon goal, but I also went away feeling so much better about mySELF. Even my students noticed a new recharged ME. I have “The Decision” to thank for that!

8. What would you want others to know about this book?


9. Have I paid you or in any way compensated you to comment on this book?

No payment needed! The truth my friend, the truth!

10. Would you recommend this book? Why or why not?

Absolutely! I want others to experience the same feeling I got after reading it!

11. Who do you think this book will benefit?

Personally I think EVERYONE CAN BENEFIT from reading it. We all in some way or other can relate to this book.

12. How did you relate to the book? Do you think others will relate as well…if so, why or why not?

I relate to this book because I am training for my first marathon which has been on my bucket list for the past few years, and I have been procrastinating. After reading this book, I have now committed to mySELF to achieve this goal!

I want YOU to be the BEST YOU that YOU can be! If my book can help you do that, I would love to be a part of YOUR JOURNEY!

“THE DECISION” is not just about jogging, it’s about living your BEST LIFE, living YOUR AUTHENTIC LIFE and ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS.

Happy Thursday my friends. Wishing you a JOY-full weekend full of many BLESSINGS.

With a smile,


THE Jog Blog – 52


It’s January 5th and the motivation for maintaining a healthy lifestyle is in full swing.

I think this month we’ll all be inspired and driven to stay true to our word but my concern is by next month the stress of the Christmas bills, busy schedules and the yucky weather may pull us into the direction of old habits and procrastination.

I know from experience it doesn’t take much to get side tracked but I’ve also discovered that all my other goals such as financial goals, eating healthier, managing my time better or maintaining a healthy lifestyle are much easier to achieve when I have a FITNESS GOAL.

Although, exercising 3x per week is a great choice it can be difficult to maintain.

Because it isn’t a fitness goal, meaning it doesn’t have a finish line or target date, it becomes an endless, repetitive and possibly boring goal with no final outcome to CELEBRATE. It’s hard to STAY MOTIVATED when there is no CELEBRATION at the end!

What eventually seems to happen is other things take priority and exercise continues to get bumped off the schedule until it’s no longer a part of your routine.

I encourage you to commit to a FITNESS GOAL that is part of an organized event. Why?

  • You will have a tangible date to work towards.
  • You will be part of the incredible ENERGY surrounding the event.
  • You will feel the ACCOMPLISHMENT of crossing the finish line. It’s amazing!
  • You will feel sheer JOY knowing you followed through on a commitment.
  • It’s an exceptional way to build SELF ESTEEM, deal with stress, anxiety and manage DEPRESSION.
  • You can work on your goal with others and receive support. It’s FUN!
  • All other goals (such as losing weight, eating healthier, getting more sleep, living with less stress etc) naturally become easier because of your fitness goal.

You may hate jogging. I used to hate running too but I’m not asking you to jog. I’m asking you to find an organized event that you can set as your target date. You can walk, jog, hike, cycle or row in that event.

If there are no events then create your own! That’s what I did for my 40th birthday and it was truly one of the best days of my life!


YOU are worth the COMMITMENT. YOU are worth the CELEBRATION.

Check out your local running, cycling or fitness store and see what events they have listed.

Sign up! Be empowered! Have FUN!

If you want a quick and easy read that will jump start your motivation and give you steps to complete your goals, check out my book THE DECISION. It’s simple, fast and a steal at $9.95!

If you are looking for more incredible deals, LadySport has a great sale on right now for all your fitness needs. Check it out HERE.

I hope you have a lovely weekend full of healthy delicious foods, warm hugs, fresh air and lots and lots of laughter!

See you on Tuesday!
With a smile,


PS. I have made a commitment to run four half marathons this year, what event are you signed up for? Let me know by commenting below, maybe we can do it together!